Just By Using 2 Ingredients Your Pores Will Disappear Forever and Your Face Will be Cleaner Than Ever!

One of the commonest cosmetic issues is the problem of big pores. This problem is especially manifested in people who have oily skin or oily T-zone on their face. In time, grime and dust accumulate in the pores and the facial skin

starts lacking shine and looking uneven.

There are numerous different cosmetic products that are specifically made for pore tightening, but are not very efficient and usually are loaded with chemicals.

This is an article that will present you a few natural remedies that can do wonders for your skin.

All you need for these remedies are few simple ingredients which have amazing effects and benefits.

1. Lemon juice and egg white

Take a bowl and add two egg whites and few drops of lemon juice into it. Mix so that you get a thick paste and then apply the paste onto your face. Leave the paste on for about fifteen to twenty minutes and then wash your face. This mask is amazingly efficient and will help you get rid of the dead skin, extra oil, and it will help you tighten your pores.

2. Lemon juice and tomato

Make a puree using two tomatoes, and then add a few drops of lemon juice in it. Stir well so that you get a thick paste, and then apply that paste onto your face, especially on the affected areas. Let the paste dry on your face and act for about fifteen to twenty minutes. In the end, wash your face. Lemon and tomato contain acid which is pretty helpful when it comes to removal of the oil from your face.

3. Cucumber, rosewater and lemon

This combination is amazingly potent and hence it is ideal when it comes to removing oil from the pores of the skin. Start by peeling the cucumber and leave the fleshy part. Next, add one teaspoon of rose water and three to four drops of lemon juice. Spread the mixture on a flimsy and light cloth, and then apply this cloth onto your face. Leave for around fifteen minutes to act and let it dry completely. In the end, wash your face. This combination of ingredients will help you make your face supple and soft, and it will reduce the size of the skin pores.

4. Lemon juice and pineapple

Take two tablespoons of pineapple juice and several drops of lemon juice and mix both ingredients. Next, find a light cloth and drench it into the mixture, and then put it onto your face. Leave it for nearly ten minutes and then wash your face. The enzymes present in the pineapple are a great remedy for shrinking the big pores, and the lemon juice acts as an astringent, thanks to its acidity.

5. Lemon juice and almond

Soak five almonds into some water and let them stay overnight. The following morning, grind the almonds and make a paste out of them. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the almond paste and make sure everything is well blended. Apply the resulting paste and leave it like that for about twenty to twenty-five minutes. Then, wash your face and it will reduce your pores considerably.

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