This The Highest Protein Veggies and Plant Based Foods

In 2016, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics stated that a person can get complete set of required nutrition from vegetables. Vegetable have all essential nutrients for kids, adults, pregnant woman and old age people.

There are several plant based proteins that are essential for body. Moreover, veggies contain vitamins, minerals like iron, zinc, calcium, potassium, folic acids and other such minerals. Although our body require these minerals in trace amounts but their depletion can cause chronic disorders.

Vegetables and fruits have a high content of vitamins including vitamin C, Vitamin A and Vitamin B- complexes. In this article, you will get a precise list of highest protein veggies and fruits.

List of highly nutritive veggies:

Following is the list of veggies that provide comprehensive nutrition to our body.

Soy products
Chia Seeds

One table spoon of humus and a large baked potato contain 11g of proteins 3g from hummus and 8 grams from potato and it is superbly delicious. Along with proteins potatoes also contain other nutrients such as vitamin C and starch.

Potato is highly rich in starch so its intake is a great source of carbohydrates as well. If you want to get protein and fat in one go then mix a baked potato and two table spoons of butter and enjoy this delicious blend.

Soy Products:

Soy products such as tempeh, edamamem and tofu are filled with lots and lots of proteins.  You can increase protein content by preparing soy products in different ways. ½ cup edamamem beans contain about 8.5g proteins.

½ cup of Tofu contains 10g proteins. ½ cup of tempeh contains almost 10.5g protein. Soy products contain a lot of other nutrients as well including, calcium iron and zinc.


Chickpeas are usually consumed as strews and curries. Chickpeas are a great source of proteins ½ cup chickpeas contains 7.25g protein. Chickpeas can be either eaten cold or hot. There are numerous online recopies available for chickpeas. If you want to enhance protein content of chickpeas add some hummus in it and enjoy a delicious meal with a high nutritional value.


Who doesn’t like to have delicious peanut butter? Peanuts are rich in proteins. ½ cup of peanuts contains 20.5g proteins. Peanuts are full of fat as well. To double up your fun make peanut sandwiches and make your breakfast yummy.


Lentils are full of taste and full of nutrition as well. ½ cup of lentils consists of 8.84g proteins. People mostly like to have lentils in lunch and dinner.


Spirulina is not a plant actually. It’s a kind of cyanobacteria commonly called blue green algae. It contains high portion of protein. ½cup of spirulina contains 8g of proteins. Other than proteins, spirulina contains vitamins and magnesium as well.

These are some major veggies, fruits and plant sources that contain high content of proteins. If you want to balance your diet without eating meat.

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