The Top 12 Brain-Boosting Herbs & Spices – Scientifically Proven

The food we eat is oxygenated through respiration to produce energy. This energy is distributed to all cells of our body according to their functional requirements. Without any dispute, we can say that brain is the control centre of our body so, the food we eat ultimately provide energy to the brain.

How well your body will work depends upon the activity of brain. There are several foods for brain power including various herbs and spices. In this article, I have assembled a precise list of various Brain developing foods. Consumption of these foods not only sharpens your brain but also make immune system strong.

List of Herbs and Spices required for boosting your brain:

Nature has blessed us with millions of spices and herbs that work effectively inactivation and Regeneration of brain cells. Just skim down the blog and check out the list. I hope it will be useful for you.

  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Bee pollen
  • Bone Broth
  • Beets
  • Celery
  • Walnuts
  • Coconut Oil
  • Spinach
  • Turmeric
  • Maca
  • Chia Seeds
  • Dark chocolates

Sunflower Seeds:

Sunflower seeds, as well as Pumpkin seeds, contain a large amount of Omega fatty acids, proteins and B vitamins. These seeds are a great food to increase memory and decision-making ability. Sunflower seeds are natural supplements of zinc and other bio-active compounds that play a vital role in biological metabolisms as a co-factor. It also provides Tryptophan, brain convert this tryptophan in simpler compounds to enhance memory.

Bee pollen:

Bee pollen’s are rich in Folic acid, B- vitamin complexes, 40% protein and amino acids that help to provide a consistent supply of raw materials to form proteins in the brain.

Bone Broth:

The bone broth of birds like venison and turkey are effective food for brain. They are a good source of collagen that enhances connections in brain and make it strong and it’s an essential building block of bones as well.


Beetroots are a good source of nitrates they are converted into nitrites by gut flora. These nitrites help blood vessels to increase the blood and oxygen content to the brain.


Celery contains a high concentration of luteolin that reduces age-related memory loss. It decreases inflammation of brain cells.  Scientist says that brain inflammation is a major cause of nerve degradation.


They are a good source of omega fatty acids they help to cure many types of brain dementia. Walnuts are rich in vitamin E that protects brain against free radicals.

Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil is a good source of fatty acids and vitamins as brain has majorly lipid content so, it’s a great food for brain.


Spinach is rich in iron that is quite essential for a fluent supply of oxygen to brain.


Turmeric contains a chemical called curcumin that stimulates memory and neurogenesis.


Maca is a great spice to refresh mood, depression and stress.

 Chia seeds:

These seeds are rich in proteins and omega fatty acids required for a better brain growth.

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