Just by Using 2 Ingredients Your Pores Will Disappear Forever and Your Face Will Be Cleaner Than Ever!

Large pores are a common problem, and they are most present in people who deal with oily skin and oily T-zone.

There are tons of cosmetic products created to tighten the pores, but most of them contain various chemicals that can cause further health issues.

But we are lucky because there are many natural ways to deal with this problem, and today we will present you some of them:

1.Lemon juice and egg white

Take 2 egg whites, put them in a bowl and mix them with few drops of lemon juice. Mix the ingredients until they form a thick paste and then apply it on your face. Let it act for 15 – 20 minutes. After that, wash your face. This simple mask will remove all dead skin, extra oil and it will tighten your pores.

2.Lemon juice and tomato

Make a puree out of two tomatoes where you will add several drops of lemon juice. Again, mix until you get a thick consistency. Apply it on your face, Let it act until it dries, for around 15 – 20 minutes and then wash it off. Due to the acid in the lemon and tomato, the oil from your face will be completely removed.

3.Cucumber, rosewater and lemon

These three ingredients can do wonders when dealing with large pores. Start by peeling the cucumber and leave the fleshy part.  Then, take 1 teaspoon rose water and 3 – 4 drops of lemon juice, and spread the mixture on a flimsy and light cloth, and apply it on your face. It should act for about 15 minutes, until it dries completely. After that, rinse your face.

4.Lemon juice and pineapple

Mix 2 tablespoons of pineapple juice and few drops of lemon juice, and soak a light cloth in it. Put the cloth on your face and let it act about 10 minutes, and then wash your face. The enzymes in the pineapple will shrink the pores while the lemon juice acts as astringent due to its acidity.

5.Lemon juice and almond

Soak 5 almonds overnight, and the next morning grind them to prepare a paste. Then, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and blend everything well. Apply the paste and let it act about 20 – 25 minutes. Rinse with water at the end.

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